Honoring the Past | Celebrating the Present | Securing the Future FOR THE NEXT 75 YEARS!
​Our goal is to build the endowment fund and secure a reliable funding source to support Fiesta Pensacola for the next 75 years and beyond.

Why give?
Fiesta is committed to keeping the spirit of Pensacola’s culture alive. As custodians of Pensacola history and heritage, we welcome the entire community to engage in activities that promote pride and understanding of the diverse cultural tapestry that is Pensacola. This restricted endowment provides continuity of purpose, supports both existing and new initiatives, creates and sustains new resources for
Fiesta Pensacola, and stabilizes funding for the organization.
Growing this fund will help secure the organization's future while continuing to further our mission to "celebrate our heritage, promote tourism and build pride in Pensacola through community outreach and festive activities which enhance the quality of life in our region."
Why now?
Since 1949, thousands of individuals have helped grow Fiesta Pensacola into the dynamic organization it is today. Fiesta plans and produces over 20 events throughout the year with the help of a plethora of volunteers.
We are committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the organization by maintaining the Fiesta Endowment and continuing to positively impact our community.

With your help, we will secure a strong future for Fiesta Pensacola!
All gifts are 100% tax deductible.
Donors at all levels will receive recognition in the DeLuna Coronation program and on the
Fiesta website.
Donors over $5,000 will receive a complimentary copy of the Fiesta75 commemorative book.
If you are interested in contributing, please contact the Fiesta Pensacola office.
(850) 433-6512 | | 125 S. Alcaniz Street, Suite 1 · Pensacola, FL 32502
2024 Endowment Donors
Our Endowment Donors
Below listed are our current donors to the Fiesta Endowment Fund. We are so grateful to all of our donors and their generosity to our Endowment Fund.
1949 Donors
Ed and Trisha Morrison
Palafox Donors​
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Harrell
The Leidner Family (Robert, Mark, and Chad)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mougey
Eric Nickelsen
Dr. and Mrs. Brett Parra
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Brent Videau
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haferkamp
DeLuna Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoxeng
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchem
Mr. and Mrs. Michel O. Provosty, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Woodfin
Peter and Libby Doyle
Heritage Donors
Mr. Tom Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bear III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emmons
Mr. and Mrs. John Endacott
Mr. and Mrs. Bo Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Johnson
Jake and Jane Renfroe
Robin Zimmern & Michael Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sluder
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Mort O'Sullivan
Forces Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Boatwright
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Dax Gill, Dax Gill Insurance
Laney and Stuart Maxey
Mr. and Mrs. Denis McKinnon
Dr. R. Shane and Keri Medlock
Charles A. Soule, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Zieman
Rob and Rena Patton
Bobby and Laura Behr
Ed Chadbourne
Mike Denkler